Leadcold is exploring whether to build Sweden’s next research reactor in Studsvik


Leadcold announced today that it will begin a feasibility study to investigate the conditions for building and operating a nuclear research reactor in Studsvik with associated infrastructure for fuel fabrication. Studsvik AB views the initiative positively and will participate in the feasibility study.

Sweden needs more baseload power that can complement the rapid and important expansion of wind and solar. This reactor will be the first step towards the next generation of nuclear for cheap and safe baseload electricity. We look forward to now starting to investigate the conditions for Sweden’s next research reactor in collaboration with Studsvik AB, the municipality and the authorities,” says Jacob Stedman, CEO of Leadcold.

The nuclear research reactor is planned to have a thermal output of 80 MW. As in future commercial reactors from Leadcold, the fuel rods will be cooled by 800 tonnes of liquid lead. The reactor will have a height and diameter of about 5 meters. Leadcold’s reactor concept is a so-called breeder reactor, which means that the nuclear fission produces more fissile material, which can be used to make nuclear fuel, thus making nuclear power a renewable energy source.

It is positive that Leadcold is investigating the possibilities for a research reactor at Studsvik, where we can contribute with our unique and world-leading expertise,” says Joakim Lundström, Business Area President Fuel and Materials Technology at Studsvik AB.

Building the research reactor is an important step for Leadcold to start mass producing SMRs for a global market. The SMR market has developed rapidly in recent years and there is today strong political support for new nuclear power in many countries, including Sweden. Leadcold’s goal is for its first commercial reactor to be ready for operation by 2030, given that permission to conduct nuclear activities is granted.

The development of new nuclear power must take place in close cooperation with the municipality, the government and the authorities. Sweden has become a very good country to develop the nuclear power of the future in. We have committed political decision-makers, competent authorities, and consumers and industry who want cheap and green electricity. We look forward to taking the first step towards building Sweden’s next nuclear reactor,” Jacob Stedman concludes.